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I do not know what we would do without the Nazdaq products that we have

I don't know what we would do without the Nazdaq products that we have. The integration between the Baan and Nazdaq software is seamless to the point where Users do not know that Nazdaq is a third-party add-on. It is a natural coexistence.
Dan Vanclieaf
Information Technology Infrastructure and Baan

How do NAZDAQ products fit your IT strategy?

Armstrong has a green strategy and therefore we at Armstrong strive to reduce our environmental footprint and generating printouts does the opposite of that. The addition of Nazdaq Products into our Baan environment helped in reducing paper consumption considerably

What are the benefits you gained from using the product(s)?

The main benefits we gained from the product(s) are

  • A significant time savings with the reporting process
  • Senior management is quite pleased that now they receive their reports on time and no longer need to contend with a mountain of paper.
  • Money savings due to:
    • less paper consumed
    • freeing up the employees time to do other important tasks
  • Environmental contribution with less usage of paper
What was the ROI period for this investment?

We got a lot of value for the cost and the ROI for this project involving was less than 3 months.

What was the need that drove you to look beyond what Baan / ERP LN has to offer?

As a global company that process' a lot of documents on daily basis. We needed a tool that can convert Baan / ERP LN reports into multiple formats, email, print and archive the documents automatically from the ERP system to save us the cost, time and headache that is requires processing these documents. The Baan IV environment lacks this capability.

What drove you to choose NAZDAQ product(s)?

Nazdaq has the right products that fit our need. Once we became aware of Nazdaq product we knew it was exactly what we needed. It has the functionality that we were looking for at a very attractive cost combined with a very good service and support, it was a no brainer.

Did the product(s) fulfill that need and how?

Yes, NAZDAQ products did fulfill our need. We have a variety of sensitive reports that are printed, photocopied, and distributed to our Senior Management team on a daily basis. The paper consumed for this need usually exceeds 500 pages daily. Additionally, an employee must spend at least an hour each morning to photocopy and distribute the reports.
Upon the utilization of NAZDAQ Products, we eliminated the manual process as these reports are now seamlessly emailed to their proper recipients.

How frequent does your company use NAZDAQ product(s)?

In addition to the management report that we generate and distribute daily we us the b2Win quite extensively at Armstrong; especially the Excel portion.

What are the benefits of having an active maintenance contract for the product(s)?

The main benefit is definitely the ability to get help when we need it. The response time has been very satisfactory and solutions to any of our issues are usually quick as well

What is your satisfaction level from?
The product(s)Very Satisfied
The product installation / implementationVery Satisfied
The serviceVery Satisfied
Ease of using the productVery User Friendly
Would you recommend NAZDAQ's tools to other companies?



NAZDAQ is a world leader in add-ons for ERP systems, specialized in Add-ons for Baan and Infor ERP LN. The Nazdaq tools enable E-mailing, faxing, archiving, printing documents like POs & Invoices, and allow an easy way to convert reports to Excel, Word, PDF HTML and XML Serving more than 300 Baan and ERP LN users worldwide