NAZDAQ is glad to introduce version 5.4 of its flagship product B2Win Suite. The new version includes some strong features to simplify Infor LN, Infor CloudSuite and Baan data workflows.

The Visual Query is one of the most popular nodes within B2Win Suite, allowing users to write queries via point-and–click (No-Code). At the same time, experienced programmers know that sometimes scripting (Low-Code) is needed to add more flexibility and richness, and this is why scripting is now supported in the Visual Query.

Integration between B2Win Suite server application and the Windows environment is essential. There are now more possibilities for reading source files and writing destination files on Windows. There is also additional support for the B2Win Suite Client to easily connect to a folder on the local machine, use Outlook for sending Emails or print to a local printer.

With the new version, users can activate triggers (Query Trigger and Script Trigger), for real-time responsiveness to dynamic data environments.

This version includes a major technological change that allows services and nodes to be independently managed, simplifying integration and administration. Admins can now easily add or remove services/nodes without server restarts, ensuring continuous availability and system uptime for all users.

For a full list of all features, visit this page –