About LTH Castings
LTH Castings in Slovenia was founded in 1948, the first die-casting machine installed in 1958. Today, the company consists of production sites in Å kofja Loka and Ljubljana. A combination of more than 50 years of die-casting and tool making experience in Plant Å kofja Loka, of a young and ambitious engineering team and an excellent infrastructure in Plant Ljubljana has proved itself to be successful and efficient.
What are the benefits you gained from using the product(s)?
The benefits we gained are,
- We can quickly convert most of the standard and none standard reports to Excel for analytical purposes.
- We can easily produce professional looking PDF documents and email them to our partners, print them or archive them.
What is your utilization level of NAZDAQ’s products capabilities?
We highly utilize B2Win Excel and PDF conversion with some customization of the reports. Other conversions are also used occasionally.
What were the users’ reactions after installing the product?
Users quickly adopted the product and started using it extensively for their daily jobs.
What was the need that drove you to look beyond what Baan / ERP LN has to offer?
We were looking for a solution to transfer reports from BaaN IV/ Infor LN to Microsoft Office (mostly Excel) and PDF.
Did you Check Competitors’ Products?
We were looking for product nearly 15 years ago, at that time there were no real competitors in this field.
What drove you to choose NAZDAQ product(s)?
We chose NAZDAQ products because of their reasonable price, simple installation, and usability. We also value their fast and effective support in some specific issues.
Did the product(s) fulfill that need and how?
Yes, NAZDAQ products completely fulfill the need to transfer reports from Infor for further analysis, daily reports, etc.
How do NAZDAQ products fit your IT Strategy?
Infor is our long-term solution for the corporate ERP system, so NAZDAQ products will also be in use. After many years of usage, we consider B2Win as a necessary add-on.
Do NAZDAQ products provide value for money?
What was the ROI period for this investment?
We actually never calculated ROI. But in our opinion, we get very good added value at a very fair price.
What are the benefits of having an active maintenance contract with NAZDAQ?
With an active maintenance contract, we have access to support and new versions.
How frequently does your company use NAZDAQ product(s)?
We use NAZDAQ products on a daily basis.
What is your satisfaction level from,
The product(s) | Very Satisfied |
The product installation/implementation | Very Satisfied |
The service | Very Satisfied |
Ease of using the product | User-Friendly |
Would you recommend NAZDAQ’s tools to other companies?