
B2Win Suite 3.0 released

Introduced with more exciting features, this release included adding database or calculated fields to canned LN or Baan reports, and more automation using switches and XML e-invoicing. Check out the release notes posted on our B2Win Suite website!

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ETI recommends NAZDAQ for improved ERP Infor LN operations due to custom designed business documents using B2Win Suite.

An interview with Tone Strac, Director of IT at ETI. He explains how ETI’s use of NAZDAQ’s B2Win Suite has greatly improved their ERP operations with Infor LN. He explains how B2Win Suite allowed for custom-designed business documents, automated email distribution, and structured Excel reports, fitting seamlessly with ETI’s IT strategy. The user-friendly interface and excellent support have enhanced daily workflows, reducing the need for Infor LN modifications. Tone says that he highly values the cost-effectiveness and functionality of B2Win…

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Consolidated reports from ERP using Excel

With B2Win Suite, you can automatically create consolidated reports from your ERP using Excel

The use of Excel is debated within large organizations that use ERP systems: some IT directors are strongly anti-Excel because of the potential of errors and islands of information it might create. However, practically, and because the world of data processing is imperfect, more than 90% of companies use Excel extensively for data calculations.One common business process for companies is to use Excel for consolidating reports that come from different set of sources. Here are some examples of where this…

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Jack Van Klaverne (JVK): Our users find Baan Mail Merge to be fast, effective and easy to use

Purchase Orders are received using an online system. They are entered into Baan as Sales Orders and then Sales Acknowledgements are e-mailed or faxed to customers using Baan Mail Merge. We use Internet Faxing integrated with Baan Mail Merge to fax to customers and at the same time e-mail copies to our sales representatives. The Baan Mail-Merge system is also used for sending Sales Quotations and Purchase Orders. Our users find Baan Mail Merge to be fast, effective and easy…

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Baker&Baker: “Our financial group calculated that the time, paper, and distribution savings … has paid for itself in 8 business days.”

Just a note to express our extreme satisfaction in implementing your B2win and B2email products at Baker & Baker, Inc. a division of CSM North America. These products have become a critical component in our day to day business. The ability to distribute report, queries, and just about anything else from Baan that uses a printer definition to Ms-Word, excel, Acrobat, and html, etc. formats without the need of manually transferring between platforms (ie: Unix to NT) has been a…

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mk Technology Group: “B2Win simplifies the way we make statistics”

B2Win is easy to use. We use it to transfer Baan Easy-SQL queries to Excel. It simplifies the way we make statistics, e.g. for our Sales Department. By using B2Win we have an easy solution to create technical documents and part lists. When you have the Baan report in Word you can format and combine it with other texts. The B2Win software is excellent value for our money. Peter Fiebeg, Maschinenbau Kitz GmbH, Troisdorf , Germany

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JVK: “Our users find B2Email to be fast, effective, and easy to use.”

Jack Van Klaveren Limited (JVK) is wholesale distributor of plants, seeds, labels and other greenhouse supplies. JVK is located in St. Catharines, Ontario and ships products all over Canada and the United States. Purchase Orders are received using an online system. They are entered into Baan as Sales Orders and then Sales Acknowledgments are emailed or faxed to customers using B2Email Mail-Merge. JVK uses B2Email with Interfax to fax acknowledgments to its customers, and at the same time, email copies…

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CROWN Gabelstapler: “The software solves one of our big problems to export Baan Reports in an acceptable format to Microsoft Products.”

Since about one year we are using now the Software B2Win from NAZDAQ. The software solves one of our big problems to export Baan Reports in an acceptable format to Microsoft Products. We use it mainly for Excel and Winword but with further options to export to Acrobat Reader or HTML. Also, the integration of graphic files to the reports is possible in an easy way. The Support from NAZDAQis qualified and the communication with NAZDAQ goes very quick. We…

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